3 Quotes & Sayings By Ethan Gilsdorf

Ethan Gilsdorf is the CEO of The Life You've Always Wanted, a nonprofit organization that "brings people together to create extraordinary lives." He was named one of the Top-20 Quants Under 30 by Quantitative Finance Magazine and has been featured in media including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Forbes.

Who needs sports stardom when you can shoot fireballs from your fingertips? Ethan Gilsdorf
Real life this fdar had taught me that in the adult world, fate was chaotic and uncertain. Guidelines for success were arbitrary. But in the world of D&D, at least there was a rule book... By role-playing, we were in control, and our characters... wandered through places of danger, their destinies, ostensibly, within our grasp. Ethan Gilsdorf